general info

hey guys! here's my carrd with all links organized so you can find info easily! i'm going to be continuously updating this as i find more resources, if there are any important links you have, please send them to me. you can dm me on either twitter or insta. if something doesn't work, let me know. also feel free to share this link, you don't have to ask for permission!

table of contents (click)

-blm info
-free mena
-indigenous rights
-leftist reading

black lives matter

masterlist of petitions and donation links

relevant events, petitions, donations, contacts

youtube playlist with ~60 videos, watch the ads to donate

twitter thread with blm carrds in different languages

links for cities and states

resources for south asians to talk about blm and anti-blackness

links for individual donations/petitions/contacts from my posts

riot/protest safety

state information


ways to help without protesting!

free mena (middle east and north africa)

general info with donations and info about mena

whats happening and how to help





information, petition, info to contact reps

twitter thread with info to call your reps and what to say


indigenous rights

leftist reading

there are free pdfs and articles linked in this google doc

twitter thread with free pdfs

reading plan for white and non black poc allies


various causes you can help